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Science Resources: Databases vs Google

guide to science magazines available in print and online at the Tate Library


Anyone can publish anything on a website!

Websites with the following domains GENERALLY have reliable information:

  • .org (a registered organization)

  • .edu (an educational institution)

  • .gov (a government agency)

Websites with .com are not necessarily unreliable, but they should be analyzed carefully.

Lateral Reading



  • Anyone can put up a webpage - no quality control

  • Difficult to limit your search 

  • Many sites with questionable content and dead links

  • Many Journal articles are not free through Google, often you have to pay for the full text of the article.

Google Advanced Search

What are Databases



  • Articles are fact-checked, reviewed by editors, or peer-reviewed for accuracy and come from a credible source

  • Databases allow you to limit your search specific to what you want

  • The library pays for access to full-text articles and journals

Databases (Articles) at the Tate

How to find Articles (Databases)

Databases are collections of searchable information (articles, books, web resources). The Tate subscribes to a number of useful and reliable databases. Through the Tate Library you can easily access articles from some of the most reputable academic journals, newspapers and magazines. Databases may also include e-books, websites and other types of multimedia.


All Databases are available on the Tate Library Homepage. Click the link below to access the Tate Library Databases Page:

Neil Gaiman

"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian will bring you back the right one" - Neil Gaiman