Anyone can publish anything on a website!
Websites with the following domains GENERALLY have reliable information:
.org (a registered organization)
.edu (an educational institution)
.gov (a government agency)
Websites with .com are not necessarily unreliable, but they should be analyzed carefully.
Anyone can put up a webpage - no quality control
Difficult to limit your search
Many sites with questionable content and dead links
Many Journal articles are not free through Google, often you have to pay for the full text of the article.
Articles are fact-checked, reviewed by editors, or peer-reviewed for accuracy and come from a credible source
Databases allow you to limit your search specific to what you want
The library pays for access to full-text articles and journals
How to find Articles (Databases)
Databases are collections of searchable information (articles, books, web resources). The Tate subscribes to a number of useful and reliable databases. Through the Tate Library you can easily access articles from some of the most reputable academic journals, newspapers and magazines. Databases may also include e-books, websites and other types of multimedia.
All Databases are available on the Tate Library Homepage. Click the link below to access the Tate Library Databases Page: